How to Create a Logo That Can Help Your Startup Grow

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All set to get your dream business idea off the ground? Great! We wish you all the best for our entrepreneurship!

This is the time you probably have plenty of things to think about and finish them off. While launching a new business venture is an exciting moment, it could be traumatic at the same time. How to get pitch investors? What if no one shows interest in your idea? What all the core functions you should hire employees first? And many other questions might be popping in your mind. But a brand logo for your startup can end up being another distress on the ever-piling worries.

A logo is one of the most crucial branding elements, and you should take it this way while getting one for your startup. Since your target audiences don’t know you, your brand’s face, i.e., the logo must be eye-catching and memorable. Giving utmost importance to this critical branding element is something that would help your startup grow and afloat.
Here are key logo design tips for creating a logo design that can help your startup grow.

Key tips for creating a log that can help your startup grow

1. Make your logo memorable.

Make sure your logo is enticing, unique, and memorable. Pick elements that make your logo look simple and attracts your target audience instantly. To make a memorable logo, you should include a maximum of two or three colors and work in large fonts.
Before you finalize your custom logo design, we would advise you to make 2 or 3 versions of your design and try to get feedback from your friends, colleagues, and family members. You can also put them on different social media platforms and ask your followers/contacts to share their reviews. If none of the versions get good feedback, consider redesigning your logo.

2. Keep your logo clean and professional.

Your logo is the face of your brand that helps your potential customers recognize. That’s why you shouldn’t take your logo design project casually; instead, create it professionally that’s clean and stands out. To make one such logo, you can either hire a professional, highly-experienced logo designer or launch a design contest on a creative marketplace such as Designhill, Fiverr, etc.
But ironically, you’re a startup owner, and you might not have enough budgets to take either of the options mentioned above. In the case, you’ll have none other option but a logo maker tool. There are many online logo creators out there using which you can create a logo on your own. These are DIY tools, and anyone without having design knowledge can design a professional-looking logo. All you need to have creative ideas and inspiration.

3. Identify what you want your logo to convey

Before you begin your logo design project, the most important thing is to find out the message that you want to convey to your target audience through your logo. A good logo should effectively communicate consumers about the services or products the brand offers. It shouldn’t be just memorable but also has the potential to convey the intended message to the target audience instantly.

When creating your startup logo, you’re suggested not to limit your logo scope in any way because your logo may become worthless when your business scales and take a different direction. Moreover, your ideal logo should be designed keeping your target audience. For example, pick colors and other elements relevant to your customers.

4. Keep in mind the global perception.

One mistake that most companies commit in their logo designs is ignoring global perception. An ordinary logo can’t reflect your brand’s reputation to the global markets. So make sure the colors you choose are used in both the local and international markets. If your logo is globally recognized, you’ll be able to market and expand your business universally effectively.

5. Keep your logo as simple as possible.

Most great logos are simple; for example, McDonald’s and Nike’s logos. Keeping your logo simple and clean means eliminating elements that could make your logo clutter and vague. Don’t incorporate unnecessary elements and try to be over creative in an attempt to make your logo extra-ordinary. Instead of that, we’d suggest you focus on your brand’s message and target audience.


Your startup logo should be powerful enough to communicate your target audience effortlessly, instantly. It should have the potential to drive the awareness for services/products your company offers. These qualities of your logo would ensure your startup’s success. Hope the tips mentioned above will help you design an excellent logo for your startup.
Do you know any other logo design tips that have helped you create a stunning logo design for your startup? Let us know in the comments below.

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