Checklist for Hiring a Personal Bodyguard

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With the growing crime across the globe, people have started opting for personal security guards more than ever before. Something that was a sheer luxury back in the day is now evolving into a mere necessity of everyday life. Companies like MB4 Security in the UK are using this time to their advantage by providing highly trained guards for different purposes.

However, since most of us are away from the limelight, we are often safe from the majority of the crimes. People who are doing well in their businesses, or those gaining popularity are gaining more eyeballs, and more eyeballs mean a higher chance of becoming a victim of personal attacks, assault, crowded attacks, and more. This is translating into a greater need for a personal bodyguard for such people.

If you are a businessperson who needs active security 24/7 or a budding celebrity who needs to keep safe while roaming the streets, hiring a trained bodyguard is more of a need for you. It is why, in this article, we have discussed a few parameters upon which you can judge the next bodyguard you hire. Overlooking these parameters can lead you to hire incompetent security personnel, which can create more problems than you need to go through the following parameters to ensure that you hire the right bodyguard for your safety.

Determine The Type

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Knowing what type of bodyguard you need is of utmost importance because you will not be able to find the right person for your need without this information. There are different types of personal bodyguards like chauffeurs, static, armed, and equipped, etc. A good way to determine the type is to question yourself why exactly are you hiring one in the first place?

What will be the role of your bodyguard? Are you hiring one for security in crowded areas? Do you want the guard to stay beside you, 24/7? What’s your lifestyle like (for the other person to adjust)? Once you have determined why you need the guard in the first place, you will be able to determine the type of personal bodyguard you’re looking for. Here’s a pro tip: once you’ve determined this, you can simply go up to professional security guard companies like MB4 Security, they will hook you up with the right candidate.

Do Your Scrutiny

The last thing you want is your bodyguard to go rogue. This can, in fact, backfire the whole initiative, which is why it is always best that you do your scrutiny before finally opting for a personal security guard. There are multiple things you can do to complete a background check.

  • Hit up previous employers and take their opinion
  • Do a thorough background check to see if there are any criminal offenses tagged with the person
  • Find out if there is any history of negligence
  • Critically evaluate the previous work experience of the person

A lot of people in the UK prefer opting for companies like MB4 Security to find reliable personal bodyguards because these companies scrutinize all of its guards in beforehand. It takes a lot of hassle out of the way from this already hassle-filled process.

Training and Technique

Keep in mind throughout the process that you are hiring a bodyguard. Whether you prefer opting for an armed one or an unarmed one, make sure that there that the guards are trained and know how to handle tough situations well. The guard you hire must know the right protocols to deal with each situation logically. He must be able to make the best out of every situation.

While hiring a bodyguard, you can check the person’s certifications or the training that a person has undergone. This will give you a brief idea about his capabilities. You can also ask for a demonstration, but not many companies allow that. You can also go to expert security guard companies like MB4 Security directly as they provide contemporary training to each of their guards before allowing them to work for a client.

Build A Connection

If you’re hiring a personal bodyguard, that person will be with you like a shadow. After all, we are all humans, and we need to socialize to survive, which is why it is of utmost importance that you also consider the element of personal connection. Hire a person who is not only good at what he does, but is also able to build a connection with you, so neither he gets bored at the job nor you get uncomfortable with him being around all day.

In Conclusion

Hiring a security guard is not an easy task, which is why most people straight out opt for companies like MB4 Security in the UK. However, if you choose to look for your personal bodyguard yourself and search for companies on your own, make sure you follow the abovementioned checklist so that you are able to hire a reliable personal bodyguard for yourself.

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