Top 5 Green Cities in the US

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Sustainability or greenery matters a lot while planning for a city. For every city greenery and climatic changes run parallel to one another but that’s not all. It is important to reduce traffic congestion, making public transport an easy means of traveling, intake of healthy food and to breathe in the fresh air. All these factors when working together make up a green city. In this article, we are going to discuss the top 5 green cities in the United States.

1. New York, NY

We all know how vast and versatile New York City is. It is ranked 20 out of 100 top green cities around the whole world. New York is considered as the most durable to live in terms of ecofriendly nature and also that everything around the city is pretty much sustained. The city has enforced zero waste and program and a few years back successfully implemented laws regarding energy competence.  


  • When we talk about New York Eco-friendliness score then the city has successfully maintained water and sanitation issues and has also maintained pollution and waste management issues.
  • Moving towards sustainability score it is considered or ranked 14 out of 100 cities around the world.
  • Apart from all these features, New York is the most visited place with great opportunities.




  Surpass at pollution management and waste control An expensive area to live in because of high rents
  Considered one the most eco-friendly and sustained places to live in Unemployment is common


2. New Orleans LA

When the cyclone Katrina hit the city major destruction occurred but after that, an office for resiliency and sustainability was created to maintain eco-friendliness around the whole city, and from that onwards proper waste and air pollution management is maintained and laws are enforced for a healthy environment.


  • When we talk about its eco-friendliness score it is considered 23 out of 100 cities on the planet index
  • When it comes to sustainability score it is ranked 61 out of 100 countries on the chart



  The food in New Orleans is healthy and fresh The weather becomes extreme sometimes or unpredictable
  Resiliency and sustainability are top priority Real estate opportunities are less


3. Seattle, WA

Well, Seattle is one of the greenest of all because it promotes gardening and camping a lot. It has enforced related to camping, biking, flowering, and promoting everything that supports a green environment. It also promotes water conservative programs for the citizens.


  • On planet index, it is ranked 26 out of 100 cities regarding the eco-friendly score. 
  • the sustainability score ranked it 19 as it promotes greenery a lot 
  • Has enforced and encourage water conservative programs and landscaping activities 




  One of the greenest cities of all around the world Expensive city to live in
  Promotes landscaping activities, biking, gardening, and everything eco-friendly Housing market is confusing


4. Boston

Boston is considered a highly eco-friendly place to live in with major educational and employment opportunities. The Boston city has worked over many environment-related programs to keep Nature healthy.


  • The Eco friendliness score claims to be 29 out of 100 cities on the planet index.
  • The sustainability score is high and is ranked 22 out of 100




  Promotes eco-friendly environment A challenging to navigate in Boston
  Promotes water conservation programs A challenging to navigate in Boston


5. Philadelphia 

Another one of the greenest cities to live in the US. As it works over a much distinct vision. Zero-waste, healthy air to breathe in, and easily accessible healthy food.


  • The ecofriendly score is 36
  • Sustainability score is 52 out of 100




  Fresh air and easily accessible healthy food
  Healthy environment                                                           Expensive city



A green environment promotes a healthy lifestyle for the citizens living in it. Therefore every folk must keep the vicinity neat and clean to avoid the hassle.

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