9 Excellent Ways To Enhance Your Management Skills

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Every individual who is hoping to make it big in the corporate world dreams of holding leadership positions someday. But in order to secure such positions, it’s imperative that you strengthen your management skills. But you probably know this much already. 

Now, the fact is management positions are generally offered as a reward to people who do well at their jobs but have little training for leadership. So, unless you nurture the management skills, you won’t be able to do justice to the position you’ve been given. On that note, we have several ideas that you can use to sharpen your management skills. 

Have Proper Clarity about Organizational Goals

Have Proper Clarity about Organizational Goals - Click42

It’s essential to communicate your goals to your team. Goals present a structured environment and clear objectives to work with. Focusing on why something needs to be done helps foster creativity and initiative. In this case, you need to keep the SMART technique in mind when you’re setting goals for your team and yourself. This means you need to keep the goals:  

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Timely

This way, there are no doubts about what the team is trying to collaboratively accomplish, why they’re doing it, and when it needs to be achieved. 

  • Communicate clearly

Strong communication skills are a requisite for any successful manager. Being in a managerial position involves handling complex business situations and making sure your team has all the details and tools required to carry out their responsibilities.

For instance, when facing challenges like navigating through organisational change, you need to be transparent about the tasks at hand. Instil your team with a common vision of how your organisation can benefit from the transition. Make sure to update continuously and reiterate the plan for moving forward to ensure your employees are aware and know how their work is crucial for the larger corporate objectives.

  • Maintain an open-door policy

Provide an environment where the employees can share their ideas without hesitation, have their suggestions heard, and also receive valuable, constructive criticism from other coworkers. 

You can maintain the open-door policy by asking your team questions, paying adequate attention, offering credit where it’s due, and accepting and acting on feedback quickly. Maintaining this transparency increases motivation, collaboration, and enhances the problem-solving skills of managers. 

  • Hone your decision making skills 

Strong decision-making is a vital skill for managers. Being an efficient manager requires understanding how to analyse complex business problems and implement a plan for moving forward.

In fact, there are a few components known as the “three C’s” which are the crucial building blocks for a decision-making process. 

  • Constructive Conflict: This requires inviting your team members in the decision-making process. It presents diverse perspectives and debate and promotes creative problem-solving.
  • Consideration: All stakeholders should feel their viewpoints were considered before a solution is found. 
  • Closure: This is an aspect that ensures stakeholders are informed before proceeding. It requires explaining how a project or initiative is completed within a set period.

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Schedule Frequent Meetings 

Checking in with your team makes them more productive, assists in maintaining relationships. There are some major points you can implement to make regular meetings efficient and productive. 

  • Set a specific time limit. Having a set time for your meetings helps in keeping it streamlined. 
  • Keep the conversation moving and don’t steer off-topic. 

Also, making the objectives for the meeting clear beforehand to everyone involved will help in keeping the meeting smooth. “If you wish to make your meetings more result-oriented, it helps people to stay engaged with the actions, outcomes, and deadlines”, state Julia Perrin, a marketing assignment help expert for Essaygator.com.

  • Get organised

The more organised you are, the better you’ll be at managing your team. Proper management (of your own workload and that of your team) minimises stress and increases productivity. 

Having a clear view of your team’s objectives makes it convenient to prioritise tasks for both yourself and your staff. Various project and task management applications allow you to have a clear understanding of everyone’s progress, while scheduling software also assists with shift and workload organisation. No one wants to work overtime owing to poor organisation, which is why you should leverage these tools.


  • Maintain flexibility

When it comes to business, not everything will go as per plan. So, maintaining agility in your approach and changing course when necessary is important. Showing flexibility towards your team also results in a better work environment. 

If you have a growth mindset, you probably enjoy trying out new ways of collaborating with your team and challenging the status quo, which indicates you’re flexible. You consider opportunities and challenges as a way to learn new things and grow.

Ask yourself if your beliefs are restricting you in any way. Any time you’re fixated on an idea, it’s wise to pause and reflect if what you’re doing is the ideal way to deal with the situation. 

  • Maintain a positive attitude and promote it 

We’ve all had that grumpy manager or colleagues who never seemed to cooperate much. Most people are essentially attracted to others who possess an upbeat, positive attitude. Having a positive attitude will make your responsibilities as a manager much easier simply because people are much more likely to follow you.

As for managing your team, you can encourage team building activities. It’s obvious that not everyone will like or even get along with everyone else. That’s why introducing team-building exercises as a way to make sure that your team stays goal-oriented.

  • Celebrate your team’s successes

You shouldn’t have to wait for your team to achieve big milestones before celebrating their successes. Maintaining the habit of praising small achievements helps increase your team’s productivity and engagement. 

Several studies have highlighted that people whose supervisors were good at offering credit and recognition have shown the highest morale at work.

It’s human nature to try harder when we feel appreciated. So, you must aim to celebrate success throughout the year, whether it’s a big, small, and personal achievement or a team effort.

Parting thoughts, 

Develop excellent management skills isn’t an overnight process. It takes a lot of effort, time, and continuous learning to hone this skill, but the results are definitely worth the time and energy. You may notice a sharp improvement in the way you perform your organisational responsibilities. 

Author bio: Mary jack is a seasoned marketing professional working for a reputable firm in USA. Watkins has earned his MBA in Marketing from Curtin University. He has been at the helm of many successful marketing campaigns for his organisation. She’s also an assignment expert for MyAssignmenthelp.com and helps students with their assignments.

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