Understanding the Importance of Having Superchill Cooling Towers

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Cooling towers are a necessity of any small-scale or large scale business. Heated water coming from an air-conditioning condenser or any other industrial treatment, has to be cooled off before it is suitable for reusing or releasing back to nature.

As though it sounds simple, cooling the heated water quickly and efficiently can be a painstaking and expensive process. Hence, the use of Superchill cooling towers becomes a necessity, as they treat the water fairly faster, and these cooling systems ensure cost-efficiency for the business.

Here’s a brief look into all aspects of Cooling Towers:

The Process

After an air-conditioning process or any other industrial process, heated water is the most common waste byproduct. However, releasing it in nature or reusing it back into the system requires it to be cooled off sufficiently.

A cooling tower works on a basic principle: the heated water is channelled into a larger container, which increases the surface area of heated water. This increased surface area of heated water is then introduced with cool dry air. As a result, the heated water cools-off quickly, and some water leaves the system in the form of vapour.

This cooled water can be now moved back into the industrial process, where it will heat up again. Thus, the same water can be used repeatedly as a coolant to absorb the access heat of any industrial system.

Types of Systems

Based on the flow of air and water into the system, cooling towers are divided into two basic systems:

  1. Cross-flow Cooling Towers: In cross-flow cooling towers, the heated water is made to fall vertically inside the chamber, while the air is introduced horizontally. These towers are simpler in construction and are therefore easier to maintain. However, these types of cooling towers usually fit small scale demands and are known to be more vulnerable to frost than others.
  2. Counter-flow Cooling Towers: As the name suggests, these cooling towers use a counter flow mechanism. Similar to the cross-flow system, the water moves vertically downwards in the counter-flow cooling towers as well. However, the dry air is pumped up into the chamber and meets the hot water in a counter-flow motion. This is a more complex cooling system, but smaller in size compared to the cross-flow system and also stands good for large scale industrial use.

There are some other variants of cooling towers too, such as induced draft cooling towers and passive draft cooling towers. Induced draft towers consist of a fan at the top of the tower, which pulls the air out, while the passive draft system consists of a fan at the base of the air system to pull out the air. Apart from these basic types, there can be several other modifications provided by different suppliers.

How Cooling Tower Save Money?

In any industrial system that requires water as a coolant, a constant supply of water is a major challenge, and it can add a lot to your overall expenses. However, a good cooling tower would recycle almost 98% of water, which can be used again in the system. Only a mere 2% of the water escapes as vapour during the cooling process, which means a lot of money can be saved this way.

On the other hand, a lot of customers appreciate a company’s efforts to help save nature and water. Having good recycling systems like cooling towers could bring in a lot of nature-conscious customers to a business. Though this cannot be termed as a directly money-saving factor, in a subtle way, this can be termed as a money-making factor.

Availability of Parts and Maintenance

It is no surprise that a well-maintained cooling tower will provide the best results in terms of cooling and recycling rate; not just that but good maintenance will also ensure that there are no sudden collapses of the system and expensive parts don’t have to be replaced unexpectedly.

It is best to purchase a cooling tower from a company that offers good after-sales services, or else hire a partner for regular maintenance of your cooling system. Before making a purchase, one must check well whether the company is capable of providing a quick replacement to all required parts.

This alone will save a lot of time; when regular maintenance and quick replacement of parts is planned in advance, it ensures that there will be no sudden unexpected repairs.


From this brief look into all the aspects of a cooling tower, it is clear that a good cooling tower is a very important piece of machinery for any industrial cooling activity. Not only does it save money for a business, but it also acts as a great nature-friendly recycling unit, which recycles up to 98% of water.

Hence, it can be concluded that having Superchill cooling towers for industrial cooling requirements would be a value-for-money purchase for any business.

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