How to Deal with Criticism for Your Writing?

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You’ve just published your first short story, a poem you care about, or even the novel you’ve been working on for years. You’ve been waiting for it for a long time, but never imagined how painful it would be: your first negative comment!

It is one of the essential passages for all creators. The more your readership grows, the more you will have to learn to deal with criticism! In this article, Professional Ghostwriter offer you some attitudes to adopt in this situation.

Detach your ego from your creations

It’s all about ego, when you take a review wrong. A reader may hate your work, it means nothing about you. It is sometimes a complex exercise, but it is necessary to differentiate who you are and what you produce.

Whether or not you want to listen to the reviews afterwards is up to you. But keep one thing in mind: they comment on your work, not your person.

Accept the existence of reviews

You knew the risks: by disseminating your text, you allow everyone to give their opinion on it. This harsh reality, you will feel it each time one of your creations is submitted to the judgment of an audience.

Remember why your text is criticized today: you made your work public. You have shown courage and you are exposing your production to strangers. Did you expect a deluge of compliments, without any negative reaction, without remarks on something to improve? This is perhaps what would be the most worrying!

Take advantage of constructive criticism.

One of the first questions to ask yourself when faced with a criticism is: is it constructive or not? Some authors feel offended when a comment is not positive. However, a review can be very useful if it is accompanied by explanations or even suggestions!

You can very well ignore these commentators. Or you can tell yourself that they are looking to help you, and take advantage of it. They take the time to outline how you could improve your text in their eyes. Then, it’s up to you to assess the relevance of their remarks. But it is useless to reject them on the simple pretext that they are negative.

And others!

Why dismiss all non-constructive criticism? Sometimes readers take the time to express their simple feelings. It is up to you to analyze it in order to know what could have caused it.

A comment “too many mistakes, its illegible” is not very constructive … and yet, it should be taken seriously! A remark “it was boring and incomprehensible” can hurt. But this comment can tell you about a passage to rework.

Only a minority of readers seek to understand the author’s intention, to advise him, to formulate a constructive opinion. While the vast majority of your readership is there to have fun, to discover thanks to you a story, characters and a universe. Their simple feeling is as important as an elaborate remark.

Talk to your critics

If you want to progress, why not get help from those who have a keen interest in your work? Interacting with your commentators and critics can do more to you than you can imagine. And if they express their simple feelings, do not hesitate to ask them to detail it!

Unlike your loved ones, they won’t be afraid to hurt you. They will not take gloves to express what they think is good or not in your text. Remember, you don’t have to take their advice. So you have nothing to lose by listening to them, apart from time.

Ignore wickedness and trolls

Individuals only wish to hurt or create controversy. This does not mean that we should respond to them or react to their vain posturing. In this situation, you may remember what Marcus Aurelius recorded in his Thoughts for myself:

In the morning, as soon as you wake up, you have to protect yourself for the day by saying to yourself: “Today I may well meet an annoying, an ungrateful, an insolent, a rogue, a traitor, who harms the common interest”.

Sometimes the only effective response is to not react to these commentators. By “trolling” or posting hurtful, outrageous or ridiculous comments, they are just seeking attention. It is therefore useless to encourage them by reacting.

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