Why Indian Media Lost Its Credibility? Fully Defined with Examples

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A few years back, the Indian media was loved as the fourth mainstay of democracy, inferable from its commitment to keep the masses updated about the latest news. Basically, media is regarded as a weapon to battle against debasement, as well as class-based predispositions. It all started with print media and then processed to radio broadcasting and later on television.

Unfortunately, with time, multiple journalism forms have evolved and also with the increasing use of advanced technology, the Indian media is getting more advertised. However, the truth is, from being the fourth mainstay of democracy, now the Indian media becomes the first pillar of crime and dishonesty.

In the year 1947, when we achieved our freedom, our national heroes dreamed of a country where everybody was confident, independent, statement of faith and where the community can live respectively in agreement. However, nowadays most of the Indian media are campaigning for the ruling party, as well as interested only in paid news.

As per the recent survey made by the Uttar Pradesh News, the following are the reasons why the fourth pillar of democracy fails to earn people credibility.

Five Reasons Why Indian Media Lost their Credibility

Lately, the Indian media has brought a new focus platform, the nature of India’s public talk. Media development has promoted the weakening of the public sphere, as well as the spread of elitist and socially backwards values. And it has led to the crisis of credibility of the Indian media. Also, the research made by the Uttar Pradesh News proves that day by day the responsibility of the media is decreasing rapidly.

1.Tweaking the Reality

According to a senior journalist, nowadays, media tweak reality, as well as spreading fake news. This is one of the top reasons why people lost their trust and value associated with the media. The highly-educated section of the country suggested that it’s high time to stop firing hatred in society on the basis of caste and religion and one need to only speak about the truth. We are all aware of the Pulwama attack. Unfortunately, still, journalists were against the war against Pakistan.

2.Divide Religion

A few years back, at the main inter-State bus stand in Jammu, a grenade exploration took place. With their bravery and tremendous efforts, within a couple of hours, the Jammu and Kashmir police arrested the culprit and put the accused behind the bar. 

The senior journalist really appreciates the police’s commitment and dedication towards their duty. Unfortunately, as soon as the incident took place, some media anchor started speaking against the Muslim community and instantly shifted the news from the Terrorist attack to the culprit who was 17 years ‘Kashmiri boy’. 

Last year, Rajouri police arrested a man red-handed, with grenades, when under police supervision, a rally was being held. Unfortunately, no media house took interest to cover the incident as the culprit was not a Muslim.

3.A Mouthpiece

In recent times, the reality is, most of the big news channels have become the mouthpiece of the party who is in power. Also, in spite of disclosing the corruption of the ruling party, most of the newspaper and channel owners are establishing a close relationship with the MLA and MP’s of the party in power. And a result, the Indian media is truly losing their voice. 

Serious issues, such as dissent in Universities, the crisis in Kashmir, and the unrest in societies where Dalits have been killed are out of media coverage. On the basis of it, Rebecca Mammen, a senior criminal lawyer, said it clearly that, it is indeed surprising to see no debate about the root causes of the failing of Indian media.

4.Tunnel vision

As earlier mentioned, there is a tendency of most of the Indian media to take interest in party coverage. Also, mostly they mention international issues, how celebrities spend their free time, what are the incoming events and so on. Hence, they forget to cover the report of what’s going around the world and the crucial happening in and around India.

Only a few newspapers including the Hindu and Uttar Pradesh News, inform people about what happens around the world. These newspapers cover the events happening in London, Paris, Washington, and Beijing. On the other hand, most of our newspapers, as well as TV channels, do not bother to send their journalists to cover the major events like the Iraq war, the revolution in Egypt, etc.

5.Poor Quality

In India, almost 400 newspapers in different languages are published. Also, research shows that, in the South Asian Country, more than 1000 newspapers are published in a day. However, the problem with the Indian media is that the Indian Journalist quality is very poor. As per a report, prepared by an NGO, when it comes to rank the quality of journalisms, India ranks 136 among 180 countries.

The case even got worse when press freedom came. As that NGO report proved it, in this case, Indian media are worse than countries like the United Arab Emirates and Afghanistan.

What is Reality?

Most of the news anchors are sitting in an AC room and speak hateful comments against some specific people. Also, blame them for the current situation of our country. Now it’s the time, we must stand together and boycott these TV channels and newspapers and appreciate news media such as Uttar Pradesh News who are willing to take the oath of a true journalist.

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